An area of growing importance, Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) combines the best of voice communication and computer technologies. Users can easily access the corporate database while answering customer inquiries via voice, fax, e-mail or the Internet.
With these solutions, voice and data can be combined to use the corporate telephony network and data network as one. Solutions and services include Call Centre installation and management, Voice over Data Network (VoIP), network installation and management, telephone switches (PABX), voice mail, fax servers, Interactive Voice Recognition (IVR), to name a few.
In December 1998, Lucent Technologies appointed P&O Global Technologies as an authorized Independent Software Vendor (ISV) under Lucent’s Asia Pacific BusinessWorks™ Alliance Programme. Under the ISV agreement, POGT has the right to market, distribute and install the wide range of products for voice and data offered by Lucent Technologies. POGT concentrates on telephone equipment and Call Center solutions offered by Lucent in the local Malaysian market by providing a range of professional services to support the Lucent products.
Over the years of business experience, the POGT group has expanded its service to include telephone switches, integrated voice & data networking, computer telephony integration, and project and risk management.
POGT is a subsidiary of Pacific & Orient Berhad (POB), an investment holding company with interests in financial services, information technology, and consumer products distribution.
P&O Global Technologies provides consulting services for the computer and computer telephony industries. Specializing in assisting customers we incorporate the latest technologies into their existing data and voice networks.
POGT provides services throughout Malaysia nearby countries such as Singapore and Thailand. These same services are available in the United States through another subsidiary of POB, P&O Global Technology, Inc. Both companies specialize in services including consulting, networking, internet, electronic commerce, video conferencing, computer telephony integration and Call Centre technologies.